Sunday 14 August 2011

Broken bottoms and the lost boys

Mum and I successfully saved the boys at halfords, the support team to the rescue! Did we get a thank you? Of course not. Mum and I drove around the edge of the beautiful loch Lomond and stopped for lunch in a roadside cafe, mum was very suspicious of the soup and checked a few times that it was vegetarian and didn't have sheep heart mixed in somewhere. After we giggled a bit at our awful Scottish accent imitations we moved on to the youth hostel which was nothing special, quite small. Now some people's attention may have been Taken by the title, I do believe I may never walk again after I slipped and damaged my derriere that is still quite painful. After enduring mum singing 'the Bonnie Bonnie banks of loch lomond' I am now at my wits end. At six we had a call from alex, knowing they weren't going to make it we are currently in the car on the way back with two tired, smelly boys on our way to the youth hostel arguing about who's name is more important and manly, alex argument is mainly 'alexander the great! Have you ever heard of a angus the great?' and angus's 'the angus burger is delicious and incredibly important!' boys eh? Time for supper and bed me thinks


  1. I have signed up as a follower! hoping this means I can write stuff here. Testing... xx cindy

  2. Ooh how exciting, it works! Good luck with the weather. And just to say, ALEX is definitely the better name (nothing personal, Angus) Well done so far. (how much further?) xx cindy
